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Anti-inflammatory Recipes
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Cristina Montoya, RD
2 min read
Summertime Recipe: Souvlaki Paneer Kebabs
Paneer cheese fits well with a plant-based diet as it is high in protein, and a good source of fat, calcium and vitamin D.
Cristina Montoya, RD
5 min read
On Trend: The Autoimmune Protocol Diet - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Autoimmune Protocol Diet is often referred as the Paleo Diet, but even more restrictive. Is the AIP diet right for you?
Cristina Montoya, RD
2 min read
Nightshade Spotlight: Parmesan Polenta and Eggplant
Do you avoid eating nightshade plants to reduce inflammation? fear not. Here is a recipe that was a hit. Parmesan Eggplant and Polenta.
Cristina Montoya, RD
6 min read
Do Not Ignore Nutrition in Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases!
Navigating the past, present and future of the role of nutrition in the management of Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases
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